Oct 26, 2013

My Mummy’s ‘Hot’ Water: A Remedy for Fever Relieve

Whenever I took sick, be it whatever, her first aid she would administer was a ‘hot’ bath. With a bucket of ‘hot’ water, she would soak a small size towel in it and begin to massage my entire body; letting the steam from the towel absorb into my body.  This would go on for seconds, minutes. 

That bath would be followed by a thorough body massage with hot ointment for relief. And sure enough, my body would begin to loosen up minutes after. After the hot bath, Mummy wrapped me up in some warm clothes, preferably, a sleeping suit or night gown.

She would then proceed to the kitchen to get me some warmed food to help heat up my belly and put me to bed, ensuring that I have plenty of blankets to promote sweating. By the time I’m up again, my eyes have cleared out, my head lightened up with less fever.

This has been my mummy’s secret, no too much tablets as she hardly believes in them. In exceptionally cases, mummy would confide in tablets or doctors. She never rushed with a child to the hospital or rush in stuffing a child with unlimited dosage of tablets. Her first remedy is ‘hot’ water. And it does work. A hot bath of such nature usually helps in easing fevers or rising body temperatures. Also, it can be useful for eliminating contaminants, especially when Mummy uses the Black Country Soap to scrub my body with her bare hands. 

In the country side or the hinterland, a hot bath is considered a unique treatment, and still remains as unique as ever. A hot bath accompanied by a thorough massage with ‘hot’ ointment can be a surprisingly powerful tool for healing.  It is expressively relaxing and stimulating when your nervous system gets revved up. This practice, for Mummy, was safe and soothing.  The heat [steam] from the hot towel smoothly penetrated my skin, thus, relieving me of any fever or pains.

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