Jan 29, 2014

Consolidating Processes of Transformation: Sirleaf's 2014 State of the Nation Address

In her 9th Annual Message, the President said the country (Liberia) is stronger, safer, steadier

Annual Message to the 3rd Session of the 53rd National Legislature of the Republic of Liberia By President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of the Republic of Liberia,
Capitol Hill, Monrovia, Monday, 27 January 2014

Jan 21, 2014

Observing MLK Day

What do you think would have been the focus of Dr. Martin Luther King's activism today, if he were alive?

Would the issue of same-sex marriage had made it to Dr. King's advocacy agenda? And what can you predict would have been his stance on this matter?

State, in clear terms, your views here:
Join  the debate today.